How might we improve the experience of looking for an apartment in Dublin.
Letmee – Desktop app concept
Search and apply for apartments in all in one user-friendly app.

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
I have been living in Dublin for 6 years now and looking for a new apartment in the open market here is very stressful and time consuming.
1.2 Defining the problem
There is no app/website on the Irish market that has all the features needed while having a high usability.
1.3 The Solution
Creating a simple, user-friendly app with all the needed features and high usability to make the experience of looking for an apartment in Dublin much better.
2. Process
I created a list of requirements which will guide me through creating the main task flow.
As a user I should be able to:
- Search for the apartments using various parameters
- View details about the apartments
- Apply for the apartments
- Track the process of application
- Communicate with agents
- Save the searches